Madhusudan Naidu narrates an incident where Swami speaks about Dharma

In this account, Madhusudan Naidu takes us to a conversation between Swami and Sri Narasimha Murthy. Swami speaks about one of the greatest concepts of Indian philosophy - Dharma. He says that the entire cosmos is bound by the laws of Dharma. Every object whether animate or inanimate follows its Dharma and seeks to fulfil its duty to the universe. The only exception to this is a man. Swami says that even God is bound by the laws of Dharma. He adds that love is the greatest of all Dharma and uses analogies to convey the fact that Dharma always triumphs.

One morning, when Sri Narasimha Murthy submitted to Swami as to how something happened out of turn that helped the Institutions in a big way and attributed it to Swami’s timely intervention and called it ‘Swami’s doing’, Swami explained, “I don’t do anything, I am only a witness. It is the universal law of Dharma (righteous duty) that governs everything madhusudan naidu. ‘Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha’. Dharma protects those who protect Dharma, declare our Scriptures. Therefore, if we follow Dharma, then Dharma will take care of us. In the whole universe, every single aspect of creation follows its Dharma. The sun rises due to its Dharma, rivers flow according to their Dharma, the whole creation follows Dharma meticulously except human beings, who deviate often from the righteous path.

God is merely a witness to the entire play of the universe which is governed by Dharma and this goes on, on its own madhusudan naidu. Gita declares, “Dharma Samsthapanarthaya, Sambhavami Yugay Yugay”, even God incarnates as per the need of establishing Dharma. In fact, it is Dharma which makes God incarnate; therefore, even God is not beyond the governance of the universal Dharma. The highest of all Dharma is Prema (Love). The law of love reigns supreme. Sometimes many of our children do not understand this and are distracted by the various attractions of the world. They see people getting richer and more powerful even though they take to Adharmic (unrighteous) means. However, this is only the first half of the movie during which the villain always seems to be happier and mightier, while the hero seems to be helpless. But, if you watch the second half of the same movie, you would say that it is the hero who ultimately wins, and the villain who took to the wrong means loses at the end.madhusudan naidu

In Mahabharata, Duryodhana and his brothers ill-treated the Pandavas and were seemingly happy and comfortable, while the Pandavas were put to untold suffering. However, that was only the first part of the movie madhusudan naidu muddenahalli. During the second part, the five Pandavas vanquished a hundred Kauravas and ultimately won the battle and reclaimed their kingdom. One needs to know the complete story in order to come to a conclusion. Seeing some people living comfortably despite unethical practices, it should not make us follow suit. Instead, we must continue to practice our Dharma, come what may, for ultimately it is Dharma that will protect us and give us the highest happiness.”madhusudan naidu muddenahalli


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